
Prison Visitation Through arrangement with Prison Staff, personal from Prison Care Ministries visit the serving prisoner for a one-on-one interview to assess them for their suitability for support accommodation. On-going visits and letter writing ensure that a relationship is built prior to the men being released.

Support Accommodation Prison Care Ministries have 7 support houses that accommodate 3-5 men living in a flatting type situation, are drug and alcohol free with a 10pm curfew and weekly house meeting/bible study.

Through the staff and volunteers the men are given support as they reintegrate back into community, family and friends. Ongoing support is given as residents move in to their own accommodation.

Referrals come from Prison staff and Chaplains, serving and released prisoners, families or community and Government organizations.

Support to Families Prison Care Ministries offer assistance to those in prison who may have a lack of family and/or community support on their release and when appropriate link up with the family and offer support in a way that will meet the needs of both parties as they arise.


Many ex offenders experience considerable anxiety after release from prison, often into a totally new environment away from whanau/family support. It turns out that re-learning how to be ‘free’ can be a daunting experience.

Newly released prisoners have their first counseling session a few days after their release and some will have up to nine further sessions. We seek to work respectfully with them to co- author a new identity of responsible choosing and accountability; to guide them to achieve their hopes and dreams.

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