Chairpersons Report from the latest Annual report
It’s always good to see our plans and preparations in one year become fruitful blessings in the next year. This past year we’ve been able to enjoy a time of fewer changes and more focus on implementing the changes we’d previously planned.
We’ve now had a full year implementing the new structures and refinements Scott recommended, and it has translated into a significant boost to our overall income for the year despite the ongoing uncertainties that characterise working in this sector. This has been a very welcomed outcome and a source of encouragement and motivation to continue and make more incremental improvements.
Another significant blessing was having Tony onboard as a full-time staff member for a large part of the year. This has allowed Sev to focus more time on managing and preparing PCM for more improvements in the future.
The trustees and staff had a strategy workshop and planning day, which Scott presented and facilitated. We considered several opportunities that PCM could be involved with in the future and the changes and additional resources that would be required to embrace those opportunities. We’ve not committed to any of those yet, but watch this space…
We are also encouraged to continue to receive personal feedback and thanks from some of our residents over the year. It’s good to hear how thankful they are to come and join our “Values-based Therapeutic Community” and to receive support and services from our staff. After all, this is why PCM exists and continues to grow and build on the past to support more men in the future. Long may that continue.
Respectfully submitted.
Alex Shepherd
The Prison Care Ministries Annual Reports for each year we have been operating can be downloaded from the links below. The audited accounts are available on the Charities Commission website